Your dual study program - Your future

Work and study in one program

Your options - Your choice

Dual study degree program (B.A.) Business Administration

Start your dual study degree program with us! You will become well versed in economic contexts, combine theory and practice in the best possible way and develop not only the bank's potential but your own as well.

  • Make your start in banking with us and become a finance pro
  • Actively design your dual study program according to your interests
  • Work independently to find the best solutions for our clients

Dual study degree program (B.Sc.) Computer Science

Are you tech-savvy and want to be a part of shaping the future of digital banking? Is an internationally recognised degree and practical experience important to you? Then you are in the right place with us.

  • Learn various programming languages and become an IT pro
  • Find smart solutions for our digital world of work
  • Gain insight into cutting-edge information technologies

Our partners for a dual study program (B.A.) Business Administration

For our training locations in Bavaria, we work together with:

Munich University of Applied Sciences

Munich University of Applied Sciences is Bavaria’s largest such university and boasts a strong network in the region.

With its focus on applied research and practical outlook, Munich University of Applied Sciences offers you outstanding opportunities in business. In addition to professional skills, the course will help you unlock your sustainable and entrepreneurial thinking and actions. You can also gain international and intercultural experience by spending time abroad, for example.

Nuremberg Tech

Nuremberg Tech is a key driver of innovation for the region and one of the largest universities of its kind in Germany.

The Faculty for Business Administration is one of the leading institutions for applied management. More than fifty-five professors with many years of professional experience in the private sector teach and research at the interface between academia and practice.

Deggendorf Institute of Technology

Deggendorf Institute of Technology is one of the most ambitious universities in southern Germany. 

The Bachelor of Business Administration program is very broad in content and is constantly being adapted to the changing conditions and requirements of business practice, for example due to the increasing digitisation of many business processes. 

For our training locations in the rest of Germany, we work together with:

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University

The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University is the first state-run dual university in Germany.

The Business Administration-Banking (BWL - Bank) degree program provides fundamental business administration know-how as well as in-depth knowledge of banking and financial contexts. This knowledge is developed in a structured manner through a sequence of six theory semesters and coordinated practical phases. You can study with us in Mannheim, Karlsruhe or Stuttgart.

Berlin School of Economics and Law

The Berlin School of Economics and Law is one of the largest universities in Berlin. 

The dual bachelor’s degree program in Business Administration/Banking (BWL/Bank) focuses on both understanding the basics of products and services and mastering business policy and marketing. In addition, you can gain international and intercultural experience during a stay abroad in the fifth theory semester.

Our partner for a dual study program (B.Sc.) Computer Science

Munich University of Applied Sciences

Munich University of Applied Sciences is Bavaria’s largest such university and boasts a strong network in the region.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science gives you a comprehensive education in all major areas of computer science, covering both theory and practical work. Alongside the courses, you will broaden your skills in exciting project work and gain important experience while still studying.

Duales Studium bei der Bank

What makes our dual study program special


Study hands-on, earn your own money and gain valuable work experience in the process - you decide where - for that extra portion of practical training!


Discover your individual interests, develop your personal strengths, become a finance pro and start your career with us after graduation.


Make contacts in all areas and divisions within the bank, become part of a strong community and take part in a host of exciting events.

Have a look at what the students on our dual study program & our apprentices say!

Video Duales Studium
Learn from the students on our dual study program why a dual study program with us is the perfect start for your professional life!

It's so easy to apply for a job with us

Find your dual study program position

Find your preferred university for your dual study program in our job portal.
Job portal

Apply quickly & easily

Apply online by uploading your documents in under 10 minutes.

Ace our online test

Answer questions about logical thinking, dealing with numbers and text comprehension in a 50-minute online game-based test.

Get to know us personally

We will have a 20-minute virtual meeting to find out if we are a good fit.

Convince us at the Assessment Centre

We want to get to know you! Show us all your facets and abilities at our Assessment Centre.

Is it a match?

If we are a good match, we will confirm your place on the dual study program on the same day as the Assessment Centre.


Find your dual study position in our job portal, all over Germany!
Apply now

Still have questions? Find the answers here

When can I apply?

We post our new vacancies from February of the year prior to the start date. Our dual study programs begin at the end of August / beginning of September every year.

What is the application deadline?

The recruitment process will not be completed until all the positions have been filled. This means that there is no deadline. If you see the position posted on the job portal, you can apply.

How do I apply?

Please apply directly through our JOB PORTAL. You can upload your documents there in under ten minutes. This ensures that we receive your application details directly and can reply to you as soon as possible.

Bewerungsprozess english

What can I expect during the online test?

Upon receipt of your online application, you will receive a link from us by email inviting you to complete the online recruitment test. You can do this from the comfort of your own home. Our tip: Please take the test on your laptop or tablet - not on your smartphone.

The test covers questions from the areas of logical thinking, dealing with numbers and language as well as text comprehension. The test takes approximately fifty minutes to complete.

How does the Assessment Centre work?

Once you have impressed us with your application, we will invite you to the online Assessment Centre. This will allow us to get to know each other better and find out if we are a good match.

At our Assessment Centre, you will go through various exercises to demonstrate the exact skills you need for our dual study program. Exercises include a one-on-one interview and a role-play.

Experienced managers from the bank will observe you during the exercises and decide together in the end how good of a match you are for us. If you convince us, we will give you a firm commitment for your dual study position on the same day as the Assessment Centre. We very much look forward to welcoming you to our company.

How long is my weekly working time?

Your working time is 39 hours per week. This equals 7 hours and 48 minutes per day. You also have the possibility to work flexible hours, which means you can sometimes go home earlier and then make up the time over the following days or weeks.

What does the specialisation phase involve?

The second part of your dual study program is called the specialisation phase. You can help structure this part of your dual studies yourself. Here you can choose the area in which you would like to acquire more in-depth skills. Your personal skills and interests are decisive for this choice. It is also possible to explore completely new areas. The specialisation phase usually lasts six to eight months.

Is direct entry possible after completing the dual study program?

If your performance is good, we will of course offer you a permanent position with us. Many of our dual study students start working with us directly after completing their degree.

Depending on your skills and interests, you can choose from the areas that you have already worked in during your practical phases, such as client service. Exciting and interesting tasks await you in our other specialist departments as well. 

It is very important for us that we train you well, because we definitely want to take you on afterwards.

How can I continue my education after completing my dual study degree?

During the course of your training, development and career events will provide unique insight into the many opportunities we have to offer you after you complete your dual study program. As part of the UniCredit Group, there are no (national) limits on the myriad of career opportunities. You can develop your skills throughout the UniCredit Group and take advantage of our network to launch an international career.

Of course, this is not an obligation. As a company operating throughout Germany, we also have great development opportunities in your home region. You are your own navigator.
To help you find the right path among all the possibilities, we support you with fantastic development and mentoring programs - even after you have completed your degree.

What you need to know about the dual study degree program (B.A.) Business Administration

All the facts

  • Degree:                               
    Bachelor of Arts
  • Start:                 
    Annually at the end of August / beginning of September
  • Minimum qualification:           
    High-school diploma / vocational baccalaureate (Abitur / Fachabitur)
  • Duration:                
    6 semesters (in Bavaria: 7 semesters)
  • Working time:                              
    39 hours / week
  • Annual leave:                                      
    30 days / year (in Bavaria: 15 days / year)
  • Gross salary per month:       
    1st year: € 1,300; 2nd year: € 1.370; 3rd year: € 1,450; 4th year: € 1,540
  • Additional benefits:       
    13th monthly salary, performance bonus, annual learning allowance, € 40 capital-forming benefits, meal allowance, free salary account, and much more

Why do your dual study degree with us?

  • Work in HypoVereinsbank’s private and commercial client business and gain a multifaceted perspective on modern and digital banking.
  • Join all our apprentices and students on our dual study program from across Germany in our one-week ‘First Steps’ welcome event. This will give you the opportunity to make important contacts before you go to your branch, to get to know and understand the bank and to be well prepared for your dual study program. Above all, you will get to spend an unforgettable week with us and have lots of fun.
  • Prepare yourself perfectly for a future with us and fine-tune your profile during an individual specialisation phase in your desired area.
  • During regular meetings, we will look together at where your strengths and future development opportunities lie, so that you can grow in the best possible way, both personally and professionally.
  • Depending on your university, gain international experience during a semester abroad and expand your horizons.

This is how the dual study program works in Bavaria

Ablkaufgrafik Duales Studium BWL Bayern english

This is how the dual study program works outside of Bavaria

Ablaufgrafik Duales Studium BRD english

Your dual study program goals

  • At the end of your dual study program, you will be ready for your career with us and can advise our clients independently.
  • You are a finance pro: You are well versed in topics such as stock investments, opening accounts, granting loans and making provisions for the future. In addition, you have acquired the academic fundamentals of business and financial economics during your studies.
  • You will have also grown personally and developed important qualities such as independence, initiative, teamwork, conflict management skills, willingness to learn and communication skills to the best of your ability.
  • With a Bachelor of Arts under your belt, you will be in an ideal position to embark on your further career path with HypoVereinsbank.

What you need to know about the dual study degree program (B.Sc.) Computer Science

All the facts

  • Degree:                               
    Bachelor of Science
  • Type of studies:                           
    Studies with in-depth practical experience        
  • Start:                 
    Annually at the end of August / beginning of September
  • Minimum qualification:           
    High-school diploma / vocational baccalaureate (Abitur / Fachabitur)
  • Duration:                
    7 semesters
  • Working time:                             
    39 hours / week
  • Annual leave:                                     
    15 days / year
  • Gross salary per month:      
    1st year: € 1,300; 2nd year: € 1.370; 3rd year: € 1,450; 4th year: € 1,540
  • Additional benefits:       
    13th monthly salary, performance bonus, annual learning allowance, € 40 capital-forming benefits, meal allowance, free salary account, and much more

Why do your dual study degree with us?

  • Gain varied practical experience as part of one of the diverse teams at the UniCredit S.p.A. Zweigniederlassung München and help drive digitisation forward.
  • Work in an international environment and meet interesting colleagues from all over the world.
  • Join all our apprentices and students on our dual study program from across Germany in our one-week ‘First Steps’ welcome event. This will give you the opportunity to make important contacts before you go to your department, to get to know and understand the bank and to be well prepared for your dual study program. Above all, you will get to spend an unforgettable week with us and have lots of fun.
  • Prepare yourself perfectly for a future with us and fine-tune your profile during an individual specialisation phase in your desired area.
  • During regular meetings, we will look together at where your strengths and future development opportunities lie, so that you can grow in the best possible way, both personally and professionally.
  • Benefit from a wide range of in-house training courses that ideally complement your dual study program.

This is how the dual study program works

Ablauf Duales Studium Bachelor of Science

Your dual study program goals

  • At the end of your dual study program, you will be ready for your career with us as an IT Specialist and will be a part of driving digitisation to the next level.
  • You are an IT pro: You are well versed in topics such as programming languages, system architecture, and hardware and operating systems. You are also well versed in using the latest IT tools and technologies, and can develop, implement and maintain a number of financial systems independently.
  • You will have also grown personally and developed important qualities such as independence, initiative, teamwork, conflict management skills, willingness to learn and communication skills to the best of your ability.
  • With a Bachelor of Science under your belt, you will be in an ideal position to embark on your further career path with UniCredit.
  • Jay reports on his ‘First Steps’

    Jay is doing his dual study degree at The Berlin School of Economics and Law and works with us in the Hamburg branch. He likes to look back on his ‘First Steps’ introductory week.

  • Whenever you start a new chapter in your life, it is easy to feel lost. Luckily, HypoVereinsbank offers its ‘First Steps’ week: A five-day introductory event packed with a diverse program and fun to help all new apprentices and students on the dual study program get to know the company. Over the course of these five days, we were introduced to a wide variety of topics. In the practice branch, for example, we learned how to deal with a variety of clients. 



  • During various games and sporting activities, we had the opportunity to network with each other across regions. The First Steps week provided very important support for me, giving me the confidence I needed to get started at the branch. It would not have been possible without such a well-organised trip.

    The event also reinforced my first good impressions of HypoVereinsbank.



  • Laura takes you along to her program

    Laura studies Business Administration at The Berlin School of Economics and Law and works with us in our Hamburg branch. This allows her to combine theory and practical experience perfectly.

  • The dual study program at HypoVereinsbank gives me the opportunity to immediately apply the knowledge I acquire at university to practical work at the bank. The six-semester program at the university covers a wide range of modules. In addition to business and economics fundamentals, the Business Administration-Banking (BWL/Bank) dual degree program also includes bank-specific modules, such as investment business and lending. 



  • Specialised topics such as investment banking are also included. The resulting broad range of theoretical knowledge can then be applied directly to banking practice to create a new way of understanding the processes at HypoVereinsbank. Over the course of the dual study program, students work in various departments at the bank: from Private Client Business to Corporate Client Business or the Credit Department. 



  • The specialisation phase is in the final semester of the dual study program. I worked closely with my dual study advisor, Isabella, to incorporate my personal wishes, interests and strengths into the choice of my specialisation. This prepared me perfectly for being taken on in that very area after completing my dual study degree. 



  • From the very beginning of the dual study program, I had the full support of my colleagues and dual study advisor at every stage. I was able to openly express specific wishes and concerns at any time, found my strengths and learning areas together with my employer, and was able to feel what it means to be part of HypoVereinsbank from day one.



  • Anne tells you about being taken on

    After completing her dual study degree at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Karlsruhe, Anne embarked on a graduate program as a Corporate Client Manager with us in Leipzig.

  • I completed my dual study degree at the DHBW in Karlsruhe. After graduation, I was given the opportunity to join a fifteen-month graduate program to become a Corporate Client Advisor. Since I planned to do a master’s degree after my bachelor’s degree, I then completed an MBA at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management alongside my work. HypoVereinsbank supported me every step of the way - both financially and by offering me flexible working hours. 



  • By reducing the working time factor, I was able to concentrate on my studies even better. After completing my master’s degree, it was important for me to take a short break. This was also made possible for me in the form of a two-month sabbatical. HypoVereinsbank offers a variety of opportunities for further training; I personally always felt that I was moving forward in my development and that I had their support.